Investing in multifamily real estate is an excellent way to build wealth and generate consistent income. However, one of the most critical decisions you’ll face as a real estate investor is choosing the right market to invest in. Your success in the multifamily sector depends largely on selecting a location with strong growth potential and a favorable investment environment. In this article, we’ll discuss the process of choosing a market for purchasing multifamily homes, with a focus on three essential factors.

Evaluate Current Investment Activity

Before diving into a multifamily investment, it’s crucial to assess the current investment climate in the area you’re considering. Savvy investors often take cues from large corporations like Home Depot and Starbucks, as these companies conduct extensive research before opening new stores. They select locations that demonstrate the ability to sustain future growth. Here’s how you can apply this principle to your real estate investment strategy:

  1. Observe Commercial Developments: Pay attention to new commercial developments, retail stores, and office buildings. The presence of such projects can indicate economic vitality and the potential for increased demand for multifamily housing.
  2. Employment Opportunities: Research job growth and employment opportunities in the area. A thriving job market often leads to a surge in population, increasing the demand for rental properties.
  3. Infrastructure and Public Investment: Analyze the region’s infrastructure projects and public investment initiatives. Communities that receive government funding for development are likely to experience growth and improved amenities, making them attractive to renters.

Utilize U-Haul’s Migration Data

U-Haul, a leading moving and rental truck company, regularly publishes data about where people are moving to. This data can be a valuable resource for real estate investors looking to identify regions of growth in the United States. U-Haul’s migration data provides insights into the flow of people and their reasons for relocating. Here’s how you can make use of this information:

  1. Identify High Influx Areas: Look for areas where U-Haul reports a significant influx of rental trucks. A high number of people moving to a particular location suggests strong population growth and increased housing demand.
  2. Analyze Migration Patterns: Pay attention to the reasons people are moving to certain areas. If these reasons align with the factors that attract renters, such as job opportunities, affordable housing, or quality of life, it’s a strong indicator of a promising investment market.
  3. Compare Inbound and Outbound Migration: Compare U-Haul’s inbound and outbound migration data to identify the net migration trend. Areas with a higher number of incoming trucks than outgoing trucks are likely experiencing a population surge.

Explore Tertiary Markets

While primary real estate markets like Nashville, TN have historically been popular investment destinations, they have become increasingly cost-prohibitive for many investors. As a result, secondary and tertiary markets have emerged as attractive alternatives. Here’s why you should consider these markets:

  1. Affordability: Secondary and tertiary markets often offer more affordable property prices, making it easier for both beginner and experienced real estate investors to enter the market.
  2. Growth Potential: As primary markets become saturated, secondary and tertiary markets present untapped growth opportunities. These areas may not have reached their full potential and can provide excellent returns on investment.
  3. Lower Competition: Competition in primary markets can be fierce, leading to compressed cap rates and reduced profitability. In contrast, secondary and tertiary markets typically have lower competition, providing room for better deals.


Choosing the right market for your multifamily real estate investments is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your financial success. By evaluating current investment activity, using U-Haul’s migration data, and considering secondary and tertiary markets, you can make informed decisions that maximize your investment’s potential. Stay attuned to market trends and emerging opportunities to stay ahead in the competitive world of multifamily real estate investment. Remember that thorough research and due diligence are key to your success in this dynamic industry.

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